Excellent excerpts:
"It was April Fool's Day at 9:00am and I was sleeping. My sister came in my room with a black and brown marker and drew a mustache and a monocle on my face. When I woke up, my mom said, "Go to the bathroom and look at that." I rushed to the bathroom and I said, "Liv, you are so dead!" I went into her room and here's what she said, "April Fool's!" - Bradley P.
"The worst thing ever has happened to me. I don't think a little girl should ever have to go through what I went through. My great gram Mary Wilcox died of brain cancer and it was so heart breaking. I had lost a family member, but I had also lost my best friend. I had always told her that I would never let her go, but I guess I lied." - Brianna
"One day my friend Max came over to meet my new kitten, Joey. Joey had black fur and yellow eyes. He had a little spot of white fur on his neck. My mom's friend picked up Joey when suddenly, George, my other cat came down the stairs. We hadn't planned for them to meet until we had Joey for a week, but we decided for them to meet early. When Joey saw George, he made a meow that sounded like a monster cat. It was kinda like a roar but a meow and it sounded more of a scared roar than an 'I'm gonna kill ya!' roar." - Bradley K.
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