We had a great Wednesday in class!
The class was all abuzz this morning
about the news of the election! The plans I had for Social Studies got
pushed to the side as it was more timely to talk about the results. We
looked at the Electoral College map and at which states were colored
blue and red. Then we watched part of Obama's victory speech on the
Promethean board. We talked about how a candidate must have both a
victory and a concession speech ready to give on Election Night and how
speech writers help them compose those important speeches.
Adventures, students continued their work on place value. My group was
able to see what is beyond trillions. In math, we began wrapping up
Unit 2 with a math study guide that focused on expanded notation,
adding and subtracting multi-digit whole numbers and decimals, and data
landmarks. In Guided Reading, we kicked off the reading groups.
Everyone is delving into the fantasy genre and we discussed the
elements of fantasy. Students are looking for those elements as we
read. It was a learning-filled day!
1. Start
Paragraph of the Week - due Wednesday (Students are also bringing home
their corrected ones for a signature. They should come back to school
so I can keep them for their portfolios.)
2. Finish Math Study Guide (many finished in class)
3. Finish Vocab Sentences (many finished in class)
4. Electoral College map due Friday
5. Read 30 minutes
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