Wednesday, September 23, 2015

North Mill Pond















Guest Blog Update by Cameron!

Every day we start our day off with morning meeting.  Morning meeting is a place where we get ready for our day, get to know each other and have some fun.  We start our morning meeting off with a morning meeting greeting.  Our morning meeting leader gets to decide what that is, then we move on to shares.  Shares are good because we get to know each other more.  Then if we have time we play a game.  Then we read the question of the day.  We have a lot of interesting answers.  This is another way that we get to know each other.  Another thing we have been doing is reading Because of Winn Dixie. We have been thinking really hard about some sign posts in our reading.  Then there is the always wonderful Math!  In Math this year, we have been focusing really hard on area.  We measure areas in square inches, feet and centimeters.  Our specials this year are doing great.  We have earned a star in most of our specials.  On Friday, we were so  glad that Kira’s Mom got to come and help us with our fairy houses.  This week we have been enjoying a great mix of learning and fun!

Guest Blog Update by Kira!

The Perfect Class
Our class is a perfect class.  (Not really.)  We are quiet when we want to be and loud when it's time.  We work hard on math and in specials earn stars.  We also read and read and read, and we write, too.  We work together well and are independent on cue.  We are not mean (though maybe annoying) and we keep our poker faces.  There are some things to work on though, like reading at different paces.  Our teachers are fun and very nice.  They let us doodle on our whiteboards and let us play games twice!  Our class is AWESOME!! =)

North Mill Pond - first day of fall

Thursday, September 17, 2015

Wednesday, September 16, 2015














Thanks so much for coming to our Open House last night!  We had a great turnout!  I have some great pictures of kids with their "selfie sticks".  Just in case you missed the reason why there is a laminated picture of John Stamos on our Promethean Board, it is because your children voted to name the board John Stamos.  Kids are funny!

selfie sticks

Wednesday, September 2, 2015

Welcome new parents of 5MC!!!

First of all, thank you so very much for filling out that massive pile of paperwork that came home the other night!  We know it’s quite tedious on a busy school night, so we appreciate the extra effort.  Secondly, we are having a blast with your lovely children!  We’ve noticed that they are a very kind group, and that they very quietly find something else to work on after they finish their task at hand. In the beginning of the year, we spend a lot of time getting to know one another and learning the routines of the school day.    
Feel free to ask your child about the silent challenges, summer learning, and timelines they've been working on.

Our special schedule this year is as follows:
Monday - Gym
Tuesday - Art
Wednesday – Computer *rotating special day
Thursday - Music
Friday - Library

Thanks also for all the school supplies you sent in with your children, along with the boxes of tissues and Clorox wipes!  We appreciate it!