Thursday, September 27, 2012

1.  Complete Paragraph of the Week - bring in final draft, rough draft, and grading rubric (signed by a parent)
2.  Read 30 minutes
3.  Signed Reading Log due

Wednesday, September 26, 2012

Read at least 30 minutes and use your reading log.
Work on your POW
Math 1.8

Monday, September 24, 2012

Today we worked on getting ready for the NECAP.  We worked in partners on the Math Released Items from 2011.  Then we started correcting the problems and discussing the strategies they used.  Emphasis was placed on compiling those strategies, rather than getting the problems correct.  Next, we worked on the Writing Released Items. 
This week they are starting their first Paragraph of the Week (POW).  Their topic is "What would you like to be when you grow up?"  Tonight they will begin brainstorming and their rough draft.  The rough and final drafts are due on Friday, along with the scoring rubric.  There is a letter for parents to read describing all of this coming home tonight.  Please sign the bottom of the letter to show that you saw it.
1.  Math 1.6
2.  Start POW
3.  Read 30 minutes

Sunday, September 23, 2012

This week the class will be focusing on preparing for the NECAP tests, which start next week.  We will look at released items from last year's test so they are familiar with the format.  We will teach them some great test-taking strategies so they feel ready to tackle the NECAP!  Also, they will begin with a new assignment called "Paragraph of the Week".  You will receive a description of this assignment on Monday, and it'll be due on Friday.

Wednesday, September 19, 2012

Math 1.4
Read at least 30 minutes and use your reading log.

Students are working on writing summaries during our literacy block.  I have been very impressed with their efforts!  They are writing their summaries in their reading journal, and it is always rewarding to see their entries improve!

You could ask your student to tell you what he/she wrote for a goal for improvement today. :)

Tuesday, September 18, 2012

Today we worked on Problem Solving skits, where students were given a scenario of a common social issue, and they had to work cooperatively in groups to help solve this problem.  Problems ranged from what to do if someone was being bullied to what to do if you needed help in math, but were too embarrassed to ask for help.  Students did an incredible job coming up with solutions and acting out a skit of what to do and what not to do.  Tonight they will share with you what they learned from the experience.

Their homework tonight is:
1.  Math 1.3
2.  Share letter and get signature
3.  Read 30 minutes (record on reading log)

Sunday, September 16, 2012

We hope that everyone enjoyed the fabulous weather this weekend.  The only homework for over the weekend was for students to read and use their reading log at least once over the weekend.  Please be sure to pack your reading log and book in your backpack each night so that you will be certain to have what you need in the morning.

We are looking forward to another great week with fifth graders in 5MC!!

Thursday, September 13, 2012

Open House Tonight    6:00-7:30

We look forward to welcoming parents!!